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Water as a driver for Regenerative Urban Landscapes in times of Climatic and Social Challenges

Texas A&M University Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning Fall ‘20 Lecture Series

The theme of the departmental lecture this semester is Equity and the Built Environment. 

Time: 12pm - 130pm (CST)
Zoom Link: https://tamu.zoom.us
Zoom ID: 988 7200 6302
Passcode: 703995

Good water is even more urgently important to us than our daily food. Water in the built environment is everywhere but not always visible and often not in our thoughts. In architecture and engineering, we manage and control water in an infrastructure of pipes, canals, and storage facilities that are mostly hidden and therefore not in the day-to-day consciousness of the average citizen. We take water’s services for granted, making use of its enormous qualities and performance attributes to produce and transport energy, regulate temperatures, enable chemical reactions including the production of concrete, transport waste, and trash, produce food, and many other useful services.

In a nutshell, there are better and more integrated solutions available and there is absolutely no time to waste by waiting for the next regulatory frame conditions. But how can we all use water to the best of our ability to create regenerative urban landscapes for future generations of humanity and life as a whole?

Späteres Event: 21. Oktober
No Water No Life