3rd International City Canal Congress, Nürnberg-Fürther Stadtkanalverein
12:45 PM12:45

3rd International City Canal Congress, Nürnberg-Fürther Stadtkanalverein

Liveable, Resilient, Regenerative – Cities Needs More Creativity by Herbert Dreiseitl (Online)

Liveable, resilient, and regenerative cities are crucial in our era of rapid urbanization and climate change. Water and green spaces are vital for urban ecosystems, enhancing well-being and mitigating climate impacts. Prof. Dreiseitl explores how cities can balance development pressures with the need for robust blue-green infrastructure. His keynote speech emphasizes the transformative potential of water and greenery, from multifunctional parks to integrated water management. He highlights international examples of cities embracing nature-based solutions to address challenges like flooding and biodiversity loss, fostering healthier communities. The future of urban development lies in interdisciplinary collaboration and integrated approaches to create sustainable, healthy cities.

​For more information ⇀ Nürnberg-Fürther Stadtkanalverein

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Unlocking the Secrets of Water - Shaping Solutions for Tomorrow
6:30 PM18:30

Unlocking the Secrets of Water - Shaping Solutions for Tomorrow

NUS Cities Public Lecture Series | Water Experiment and Lecture by Herbert Dreiseitl

Are we losing all control, or are we gradually beginning to understand complex systems such as water and green spaces? Regenerative, magical and dynamic, water is a powerful teacher in both the natural and the urban environment. By learning how to handle challenges and unfold such qualities, we need to dive deeper.

The lecture will share successful cases, but start with live water experiments to explain inspiration, by making integrated design and engineering solutions in architecture and open space methodically comprehensible. The future will force us to be more courageous and creative in order to think and design proactive, everything from small details to the entire spatial planning.

Admission is free! Click here to register!

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Urban-Rural Conference, Leipzig | Water-Sensitive Urban and Regional Development
9:15 AM09:15

Urban-Rural Conference, Leipzig | Water-Sensitive Urban and Regional Development

  • Kirche Altscherbitz, Koeppestr. 17, 04435 Schkeuditz (Karte)
  • Google Kalender ICS

Lecture: “The Sponge City Principle - The Art of Building Resiliently and Regenerative Building Today to be Prepared for Tomorrow's Climate Extremes” by Herbert Dreiseitl

The effects of climate change, sealing, urban drainage, technical overprinting, lignite mining, intensive agriculture, diverse land use requirements and socio-cultural concerns affect the water supply in Leipzig and the surrounding region. Heat, droughts, flash floods and floods affect both the surface waters and the groundwater supply in the city and the entire region - with consequences for our lives in the city and the region.

The “Integrated water concept for the city of Leipzig and the surrounding region” (InWako) is a building block for water-sensitive and climate-resilient urban and regional development, because it takes into account the influencing factors described as well as their interactions and also makes a contribution to the cross-cutting issue of health through cooling and evaporation.

We are looking forward to working with experts to see how this issue is being dealt with worldwide and what is happening in our region - in the member municipalities of the Leipzig Green Ring. We want to discuss our findings and progress with you at the 25th Urban-Rural Conference on September 27, 2024 in Schkeuditz and go on a bicycle excursion together to the northwest floodplain on the topic of climate protection.

​For more information ⇀ 25th Urban-Suburb Conference & Programm

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International Meeting of Landscape & Garden: Facing the Crisis | Arketipos Landscape Festival
2:45 PM14:45

International Meeting of Landscape & Garden: Facing the Crisis | Arketipos Landscape Festival

Keynote Speaker by Herbert Dreiseitl

Since 2011 Arketipos has been committed to promoting the vision of Landscape as the result of the extraordinary interaction between human beings, culture and nature. The profound and rapid transformations, which put the founding values ​​of society into crisis, represent the starting point for new quality approaches.

Today more than ever, faced with pandemics, wars and environmental crises that are altering the planet, we are wondering  how valuable landscape design can be crucial to positively addressing the various crises and promoting the regeneration of our societies.

For this reason, Arketipos has involved leading figures from all over the world for 2024, inviting architecture and landscape design studios, writers, photographers, researchers and botanists to  share their visions  and  discuss social, urban planning, environmental and integration issues between people and Nature.  These figures will play a key role in interpreting and responding to the dynamics of environmental, social and economic change, with the aim of building resilient ecosystems to positively address today's emergencies and to lay solid foundations for the future.

The awareness, which Arketipos hopes to spread widely, concerns  the need for sustainable development to embrace all factors ranging from environmental regeneration, to biodiversity, to the conservation of resources,  to stable economic growth  based on the social value of choices.

​For more information and registeration ⇀ International Meeting: Landscape Festival

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What to do with rainwater? Dresden on the way to becoming a water-sensitive city
8:30 AM08:30

What to do with rainwater? Dresden on the way to becoming a water-sensitive city

Lecture: Sponge City – sponge city worldwide by Herbert Dreiseitl

Heavy rain and dry periods pose major challenges for cities. Holistic concepts of sustainable rainwater management and green infrastructure and their implementation help make cities more resilient to extreme weather situations and sustainably improve the urban climate. 

On March 21, 2024, the Sponge City working group of the state capital Dresden is once again inviting people to a specialist conference in the Ballsportarena, Dresden, to encourage different actors to get involved and to talk to them. The participants not only gain insights into the work of the Schwammstadt AG, but also important impulses from projects in Dresden, Leipzig, Hamburg, and Vienna. In addition, current funding opportunities and legal frameworks for sustainable rainwater management are presented.  

For more information ⇀ Stadtentwaesserung-Dresden

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Climate-Resilient Fluid Thinking - What Can We Learn from Water?
7:00 PM19:00

Climate-Resilient Fluid Thinking - What Can We Learn from Water?

Visualization, Lecture and Discussion with Herbert Dreiseitl

Herbert Dreiseitl reports on his decades of experience in planning and implementing small and large measures to make our living space healthier and more climate- and water-friendly for everyone. Water experiments will be shown to illustrate properties and planning strategies.

For more information ⇀ Wasserkarawane

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The Art to Integrate Water for Climate Resilient Cities
4:00 PM16:00

The Art to Integrate Water for Climate Resilient Cities

Lecture by Herbert Drieseitl for PUB Officers

How can we create more resilient, livable, and sustainable cities for today and tomorrow? We must boldly innovate to improve coastal areas, industrial zones, housing, mobility, and urban living. A primary focus should be on enhancing public spaces, particularly by incorporating water and green elements, which can serve as remedies for cities, coastlines, and industrial sites, ultimately benefiting people.

How can we integrate Blue-Green Resilient architecture into the mainstream?

Explore this concept through theoretical frameworks and draw insights from various global case studies.

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Global Seminar | Resilient, Regenerative, Responsive - Sponge cities in times of climate change
5:00 PM17:00

Global Seminar | Resilient, Regenerative, Responsive - Sponge cities in times of climate change

Water Experiment and Lecture by Herbert Dreiseitl

In the upcoming FCL Global Seminar, Herbert, together with his partner Bettina Dreiseitl and his assistant from Singapore, Raymond Yong, will first give a hands-on introduction with real water experiments, a basic thought exercise to understand the elastic and regenerative nature of water, which he calls "Fluid Thinking".

A special reference to Switzerland is his first "sponge city" projects such as in Echallens "Homeau de la Fontaine", realized 40 years ago in 1983, and Herbert will highlight Switzerland's pioneering work at that time such as the General Drainage Planning (GEP).

Today, many cities follow the principles of Sponge City, and Singapore, as one of the pioneer cities, has a very progressive policy strategy, such as the ABC guidelines, to use rainwater as a resource and integrate it holistically into urban development with predominantly nature-based solutions.

Click on the link to register and for more information.

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The Art to Integrate Water for Climate Resilient Cities
5:45 PM17:45

The Art to Integrate Water for Climate Resilient Cities

Lecture by Herbert Dreiseitl

What are the tools to make our cities more resilient, livable, and regenerative? What sustainable perspectives and solutions do we have and can we offer today and for future generations? A central focus is public space with water and green as the most affected elements, but also the possible medicine for cities and industrial sites and blue-green infrastructures, and finally for people. How can Blue-Green Resilient Architecture become more mainstream? Learn more through a theoretical approach as well as practical examples from all around the world.

Click on the link to register

5:45 p.m. – Registration, Refreshments and Networking
6: 15 p.m. - Start of Program
Lecture by Herbert Dreiseitl
Q & A Session with Moderator
8:00 p.m. – End of Program

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Einladung zur Zukunftswerkstatt Grünverbindung und -verfl echtung der Stadtmitte
bis 29. Juli

Einladung zur Zukunftswerkstatt Grünverbindung und -verfl echtung der Stadtmitte

Brainstorming and discussion on the development of new recreational areas, green areas, strengthening cycling and pedestrian traffic between lake Neutraubling, the city garden, and the school centre.

28.07.2023 - 19:00-20:30 hrs
29.07.2023 - 13:00-17:00 hrs
from 19:00 Final presentation

We look forward to your participation in the Future Workshop and the joint elaboration of ideas for increasing the quality of life in our town. In the area between Erzgebirgsstraße, Posener Straße and- Bergstadt-Mies-Weg as well as at the square on Geschwister-Scholl-Geschwister-Scholl-Strasse, we would like to set clear accents for more quality of life. With your support, we can improve the situation for cyclists and pedestrians and increase the quality of the stay of one of our central squares.

The Future Workshop, organized by the planning team of DREISEITLconsulting alongside traffic engineers from Besch und Partner is the first step in the planning process. Building the results of the workshop, the planners will develop a first concept for the realization.

Your contribution is important to us for the future of our city!

For more information:
>> Einladung zur Zukunftswerkstatt Grünverbindung und -verfl echtung der Stadtmitte

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Adaptive Regeneration for Resilient Living Spaces
10:00 AM10:00

Adaptive Regeneration for Resilient Living Spaces

  • Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” (Karte)
  • Google Kalender ICS

Guest speakers and lectures by
Herbert Dreiseitl: Challenges and opportunities in the design and redevelopment of resilient urban spaces
Bettina Dreiseitl-Wanschura : The importance of a cooperative approach with citizens in current urban developments

The role of technological design in landscape defense between conservation and transformation.

The scientific event aims to make a point on the perspectives related to the capacity of open spaces, and related infrastructures, to play a strategic role as a dynamic element in urban regeneration processes. Considering the various methodological and applicative aspects and sharing the concept of resilience applied to anthropized contexts, the event aims to develop critical reflections on innovative strategies oriented to the improvement of technological-environmental performance also in relation to climate change. This is to increase the capacity of open space to activate environmental and social processes of city revitalization within the delicate relationship between natural and built environments.

For more information:
>> Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Dipartimento di Architettura e Disegno Industriale

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European Green Infrastructure Day
3:15 PM15:15

European Green Infrastructure Day

Online Lecture by Herbert Dreiseitl on Session IV: One possible future of European cities: green, more beautiful and inclusive

After two successful editions, WGIN’s European Green Infrastructure Day (#EGIDay) will be back on 27 April 2023 for another day full of insightful discussions about green roofs and walls and how EU policies can support their uptake across Europe. 

#EGIDay23 will gather EU policymakers, green roof industry leaders, experts and NGOs to discuss how to tap into the multiple benefits of green infrastructure for Europe’s climate and energy transition.

For more information:
>> View the full agenda here.
>> Register for EGI Day 2023 here.
>> Watch EGI Day 2022 here.

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Gebäudebegrünung und Stadtklima
2:40 PM14:40

Gebäudebegrünung und Stadtklima

The city of tomorrow after Corona?

Don't we have the best arguments for change right now? How can the transition to a livable city succeed now?" asks the internationally renowned landscape architect and urban planner Herbert Dreiseitl, who has been committed to sustainability, health, and social framework conditions for decades. Dreiseitl sheds light on the ideas of the "Climate Corona Treaty", which Healthy Cities in a Postpandemic World" or the "15-Minute City" and reports on new European funding programs for a green future in cities.

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Dialogue Forum Water and Soil
5:00 PM17:00

Dialogue Forum Water and Soil

Online Lecture by Herbert Dreiseitl, Sponge Cities & Villages

Water and soil are the basis of our life. Their protection is of central importance. Climate change, pollution, and diverse usage requirements increase the pressure on water and soil. That is why the state government is tackling these challenges with the future strategy for water and soil. The opinion of the public is important to us.

If our towns and villages act like sponges, i.e. if they can absorb water, then that helps both in heavy rain and in dry seasons. Both are becoming more common as a result of climate change and mean that we have to adapt. At the same time, there is great competition for space in the city – and in the countryside, too, the land is being sealed. So what actions can be taken in settlements?

For more information:
>> Beteiligungsportal Baden-Württemberg

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Thinking with Sections and Models
9:30 AM09:30

Thinking with Sections and Models

Lecture by Herbert Dreiseitl, Modelling Water

Landscape architects mostly rely on maps or plans at various levels of scales to study and represent ideas and proposals. The horizontal dimension of the landscape seems to be more significant than the vertical for representing spatial and temporal relationships. There is a third dimension that plays a crucial role in landscape architecture, one that is useful for modeling terrain, understanding and shaping water and soil dynamics, designing visual perspectives, as well as conceptually, materially, and emotionally drafting, (co) designing, and verifying a project with different stakeholders. This conference addresses sections and models as tools for exploration, analysis, synthesis, and design in the field of landscape architecture and planning from the micro-scale to the territorial one.


9.30 am with Gunter Vogt

10.30 am Herbert Dreiseitl

11.30 am Michel Desvigne

This is the Zoom link to access the online conference: https://tudelft.zoom.us/j/97516243747

Organiser and Moderator: Laura Cipriani

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Rainwater Management: Learning from Water
8:00 PM20:00

Rainwater Management: Learning from Water

Lecture series: Climate adaptation strategies: what to do for health, water, air and animals?

Lecture by Herbert Dreiseitl

How can the earth regenerate, how can the planners support this, and at the same time how can they care for the social well-being and health of all living beings? Water is universal and more than just a physical substance. It can be understood as the idea of ​​life: water has the power to destroy but also to create, and at the same time, it serves to stabilize our world. After all, it is also water that stabilizes our climate and makes life possible.

For more information:
>> Website
*Registration is not required

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Importance of open spaces in times of pandemic life in transition - The city after corona
2:30 PM14:30

Importance of open spaces in times of pandemic life in transition - The city after corona

26th Dresden City Green Forum: City Green and Health

Lecture by Herbert Dreiseitl

The FORUM STADTGRÜN Dresden is a specialist conference on topics related to urban greenery that has been taking place since 1998. The conference is designed by the Office for Urban Green and Waste Management of the state capital Dresden, the Association of German Landscape Architects, the State Association of Saxony, and the Saxony Chamber of Architects.

It is aimed at administrations with their green space, environmental, construction, and urban planning offices, at landscape architects and architects, gardening and landscaping companies, and other interested trade visitors.

For more information:
>> Registration >> Program Flyer >> Website

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Bridging the Gap – Vision for Bruntál 2070 Workshop
bis 17. Sep.

Bridging the Gap – Vision for Bruntál 2070 Workshop

A team of experts led by Herbert Dreiseitl will present to the citizens of the city a vision of the development of Bruntál until 2070 – Bridging the Gap. The working visit of Professor Herbert Dreiseitl and his colleagues arranged a three-day program in Bruntál:

Thursday, September 15
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Meeting with the public of Bridging the Gap – Bruntál's Vision 2070 and a performance in the Centrum cinema.

Friday, September 16
3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m

A working meeting of representatives, candidates for the council and city employees who participate in the preparation of the strategy.

Saturday, September 17,
10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

A public workshop for the citizens of the city. The program will include a performance by the Bruntál dance groups Stonožka, Dambra, and InMotion, refreshments will be provided during the workshop.
7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
A public presentation of the results of the workshop and proposed steps will take place in the Centrum cinema.

The actual work on the Bridging the Gap strategy was preceded by several consultations with city representatives and a questionnaire survey among citizens, the results of which will also be presented during the upcoming workshop. But the work on the strategy is far from over, on the contrary – the development of Bruntál will become the subject of interest for students from domestic and foreign universities, and already in October dozens of students from Stuttgart, Germany will be working here.

All citizens of the city who care about the future of Bruntál were invited to the meeting by Herbert Dreiseitl himself via video

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8th Mainau Sustainability Dialogue
10:00 AM10:00

8th Mainau Sustainability Dialogue

Our Water in Times of Climate Change - Adaptation Strategies for Town and Country

Herbert Dreiseitl, Workshop 1 - 1:45 p.m. July 25, 2022: Water-sensitive urban development: Well prepared for heavy rain, flooding, and drought with the Sponge City Principle

* Hybrid Conference: Monday, July 25, 2022, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (on the island of Mainau) and until 12:30 p.m. (online in the live stream)

This year's conference is dedicated to how we deal with water and the major challenges that climate change poses to water management and water management. Extreme weather events are becoming more frequent: in some places, too much water can no longer be absorbed by the ground. The consequences are high water and flooding. Elsewhere there is drought and low water.

This has an impact on our life in town and country, on the (supply) security of citizens, biodiversity, nature, and agriculture. As the largest drinking water reservoir in Baden-Württemberg, Lake Constance plays a special role in times of prolonged dryness and periods of drought. Its water is becoming more and more valuable as climate change progresses.

On July 25, there will be discussions on the consequences of climate change for water management in municipalities and regions with experts from research, politics, administration, and practice. Deepening the topics of water-sensitive urban development, precaution, and risk management with a view to floods and heavy rain as well as water protection measures and water development measures.

For more information and registration:
>> 8th Mainau Sustainability Dialogue

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16th Climate Protection Meeting
3:30 PM15:30

16th Climate Protection Meeting

Blue and Green makes you Happy - Adaptation to the Climate Crisis

(Physical Lecture)
Herbert Dreiseitl, 23rd June 2022, 5:15pm - 5:45pm: “The Art of Integrating Blue/Green in good times for Climate-Resilient and Livable Buildings”.

The climate is changing worldwide. And with it, the living conditions of the people are changing – also in Germany. Even if we succeed in at least keeping global climate change in check, experts are already reckoning with far-reaching consequences for the environment, the economy, and society. In addition to protecting the climate, adapting to the consequences of climate change is a municipal task that is becoming increasingly important in view of the increasing number of heavy rain events and prolonged heat waves.

At the 16th Climate Protection Meeting, presentations on the medium and long-term measures that need to be taken to arm communities against the effects of climate change will be shared.

For more information:
>> 16th Climate Protection Meeting
>> Program

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Designing Resilience Global
bis 24. Juni

Designing Resilience Global

International Symposium & Design Competition: A Think Tank Towards the Resiliency of Cities In View Of The Effects Of Climate Change

Keynote Speaker: Herbert Dreiseitl, Day 2 - 21st June, 10:45 - 12:15 CET, 2022: “Climate-Resilient and Livable Cities”.

* Hosted (Virtually) by Technical University of Darmstadt: Monday, June 20, 2022, 9 a.m. to Friday, Jun 24, 2022, 430 p.m. (CET)

In 2022 the DRG symposium will be held as a part of the emergenCITY week, the annual conference of the LOEWE center emergenCITY. More than 20 PI’s of the universities of Darmstadt, Kassel, and Marburg are involved in this interdisciplinary research project which is dedicated on exploring the question of designing resilient future digital cities. By bringing together the expertise of both DRG and emergenCITY the 2022 symposium will provide a contemporary and holistic overview on urban resilience.

For more information:
>> Zoom Link (Meeting ID: 687 1728 5414 / Passcode: 664584)
>> Program
>> Designing Resilience Global (DRG) 

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World Canals Conference 2022
8:30 AM08:30

World Canals Conference 2022

World Canals Conference: “Reshaping Landscapes - Waterways in Transition”
May 30 - June 3, 2022 in Leipzig

Herbert Dreiseitl, Speaker on Day 5 - June 3, 2022: Transformation: Living and Livable Water Landscape. His topic: “Fluid Thinking“ – as a Liberation to Resilience and Climate Justice

World Canals Conference is an international platform for topics related to inland waterways. This event is organized under the patronage of “Inland Waterways International”, an organization, which stands up for the protection, development, and sustainable management of inland waterways. Every year the WCC brings together hundreds of experts, scientists, policy-makers, public administration representatives, associations, companies as well as water sports enthusiasts and water tourists from all over the world.

For more information and registration:
>> World Canals Conference 2022

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Bauwende Festival
3:30 PM15:30

Bauwende Festival

Bauwende Festival: "How can we (re)build in a way that is climate and socially just?"
May 26 - 29, 2022 in Berlin

Herbert Dreiseitl, Speaker on Block 5 - May 28, 2022: Experience - "How is it done?" Dreaming of another world – projects

Architects for Future invite you to BAUWENDE FESTIVAL from May 26th to 29th, 2022 in the BUFA-Atelier Gardens Berlin. With a congress, workshops, excursions, exhibition, yoga, open-air cinema, music and a mega party. Topic: "How can we (re)build in a way that is climate and socially just?" Let's celebrate together, our small and bigger successes. Let's finally see each other again, get to know each other better, exchange ideas, inspire and motivate. Let's celebrate together, our small and bigger successes. About the program: Speakers from science, construction industry, administration, politics, as well as from the movement. Plus musicians, DJs and artists. Invitation: to all architects4future groups and to all for-Future alliance groups, to all active and followers, activists, colleagues and fellow students and interested parties.

For more information:
>> Bauwende Festival

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AIAISC ‘22 - AIA International Spring Conference
12:00 PM12:00

AIAISC ‘22 - AIA International Spring Conference

New Beginnings: Embracing Change / May 19-21, 2022

Herbert Dreiseitl, Keynote Speaker on Day1: May 19, 2022

AIA International’s Spring Conference returns. Their aim is to energize our global audience with a program that engages with the turbulent world around us and questions where we are going next. This year’s theme asks, how do architects position themselves to embrace change? What trends can we identify that will shape the future of architecture and the built environment? What new technologies or new ways of working will come to the fore? Join us to debate how we can design the future.

This 3-day virtual conference will bring you lectures, panel discussions, building tours, and more from around the world, all underscored by the AIA’s Framework for Design Excellence. Conference sessions will be hosted by the 7 International Chapters in Canada, Europe, Hong Kong, Japan, the Middle East, Shanghai, and the United Kingdom, as well as by some of our many Country Representatives around the world!

Attendance is free and open to all!

For more information:
>> AIAISC ‘22 - AIA International Spring Conference
>> Register Here

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World Child Forum
bis 22. Jän.

World Child Forum

"The World We Want"

In a tandem of generations, we want to make the future successful. Together we are planning the World Child Forum 2023. As a plea for a child-friendly and therefore humane world, we want to develop a future format in which free, lively, developing people take place. We don't just want to see children as future adults, we want to see them as carriers of a new future that we haven't imagined. In order to close this important gap, with the "World Child Forum" we are designing an event that has the potential to become a globally known and relevant format parallel to the "World Economic Forum" and an ongoing space of opportunity. Fully aware. Definitely in January 2023.

For more information:
>> World Child Forum

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Living Water Salon Annual Talk
4:00 PM16:00

Living Water Salon Annual Talk

活水沙龙年度论坛 暨活水创新奖线上启动会
Living Water Salon Annual Talk: Ecology, Art and Livable Future

Hosted by Living Water Salon Architecture and Culture Society of China. Proudly invites Herbert Dreiseitl to give a talk on: “More Fluid Thinking in Challenging Times for Climate Resilient Sponge Cities - the Dreiseitl Method”.

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Virtual Construction and Resilient Landscape 2021
11:00 AM11:00

Virtual Construction and Resilient Landscape 2021

Landscape Architecture Construction International Conference (2021 Online Conference)

Herbert Dreiseitl, Keynote Speaker on 11.12.2021, 1415hrs-15:15hrs:
“Water as a source of a climate-friendly, green and social city”.

Program (in GMT+08:00, Beijing Time)
Day 1 (Saturday, December 11, 2021)
14:00-14:15 Opening Ceremony
14:15-15:15 Keynote Presentation by Herbert Dreiseitl
15:15-16:15 Keynote Presentation by Andrea Balestrini
Day 2 (Sunday, December 12, 2021)
14:00-14:30 Presentation by Xiaowei Ma
14:30-15:00 Presentation by Louise Pearson
15:00-15:30 Presentation by Asan Suwanarit and Kim N. Irvine
15:30-16:00 Presentation by Yumi Lee
16:00-16:10 Closing Ceremony

For more information and to register >>

The conference is free of any registration fee:

Participants Admission:
DAY 1 & DAY 2

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Green and good!?
bis 26. Nov.

Green and good!?

  • Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll Festsaal (Karte)
  • Google Kalender ICS

Paths to the climate-resilient city of tomorrow (impulses for the IBA #4)

Herbert Dreiseitl, Keynote Speaker on 26.11.2021, 0915hrs:
“Water as a source of a climate-friendly, green and social city”.

From “gray to green” - is that our model for the cities of the future? Measures such as the planting of city trees, the creation of parks, or the greening of roofs add value to urban space in many ways. They promote the quality of life and the environment, make a contribution to the urban climate and also offer meeting places.

But what exactly does “green” actually mean? Which concepts and instruments can municipalities use to implement appropriate measures? What contribution can green infrastructure make to climate resilience? Which “green” do we need? And who actually benefits from it?

Use the conference to discuss ways into our urban future together with (international) experts, expand your network and let yourself be inspired to design and implement your own measures. It is about suitable methods and effective planning and political steps. Get involved and join the discussion.

For more information and to register >> https://www.ev-akademie-boll.de/tagung/450221.html

>> Program

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