What can we learn from water? ⇀
2019, Oct
In Austria, Herbert Dreiseitl led a water workshop, where he found a profound fascination with individuals interacting with water. Drawing on his professional background in art therapy, landscape architecture, and urban planning, Herbert gained insights into the significance of creating well-balanced frameworks that contribute to the health, economy, and social harmony of communities.
⌂ GLOBART Academy, AKW Zwentendorf, Austria
♦ GLOBART Academy
Water in Art, Archi & Engineering
2015, Aug
Utilizing visualization aids in comprehending the flow dynamics of rivers and streams. Herbert Dreiseitl, with the support of the National University of Singapore, led a water experiment workshop on the theme of Water in Art, Engineering and architecture. Students actively participated in this immersive and hands-on experiment.
⌂ Van Kleff Centre, Singapore
Flow Dynamics
Understanding the flow dynamics of water bodies teaches us to better understand natural processes embedded in all human beings and environments. Herbert Dreiseitl conducted a water experiment workshop at Harvard University in Massachusetts, Boston, USA.
⌂ Harvard School of Design, Massachusetts, USA
♦ Harvard University Graduate School Of Design
0.5 Day
Customized lectures to teach, inspire, and empower people with the knowledge and skills necessary to take action and improve our environments to create positive change.
Lectures - Seminars
1 Day
Bringing together small groups for recurring meetings, focusing each time on particular topics. Lead active and engaging discussions and dialogues to brainstorm bold and fresh ideas, interventions and strategies
Lectures - Seminars - Workshops
2 - 3 Days
Consists of lectures and hands-on sessions; sketches, modeling, and water experiments. Groups apply their knowledge about art, water structures, nature-based solutions, and stormwater management on site-specific projects for possible future scenarios.