Situated 100 kilometers southwest of Berlin, the borough of Barleben boasts a historic streetscape featuring a marketplace that has historically served as a central meeting point and events space for the town. Following the reunification of West and East Germany, Barleben experienced an economic resurgence. The renovation and redesign of the "Breiteweg" not only set a benchmark for urban quality but also showcased the creative and original design that reflects the spirit of this bustling and successful small town.
DREISEITLconsulting GmbH
Urban Design, Art, Rainwater Features, Multi-generational Space
32052 Herford, Germany
City of Berleben
Design: 2004-2008
Construction: 2006-2009
Site Area
300 m2 / 3.230 sq ft
*This project was originally produced by Atelier Dreiseitl under the leadership of Herbert Dreiseitl. Since its merger in the year 2013 with the Ramboll Group A/S this project and the copyright is owned by Ramboll.

The light and water sculptures were meticulously designed and hand-crafted on a 1-to-1 scale. Eight of these sculptures are strategically arranged in irregular groupings at four nodes along the 750-meter streetscape, creating a dynamic and visually appealing field of connectivity.
From each sculpture, steel mesh netting is elastically stretched, guiding a sheet of water downward to the ground. During the night, this water sheet is illuminated by pulsating light from above, creating a mesmerizing display. The interplay of water and light transforms into a captivating wave that travels along the length of the streetscape, enhancing the overall aesthetic experience.

These spatial sculptures transcend mere visual appeal; they exude vitality, communicating even during the night through pulsating light blocks.
The Breiteweg has evolved into a cherished destination for both the young and old, drawing people who gather to play, meet friends, and simply enjoy the atmosphere. More than just an urban playground or an illuminated fountain, these urban art installations have transformed the Breiteweg into a truly unique space. Its self-confident and daring aesthetic sets a cultural impulse for the future, making it a special and dynamic place within the community.