Selected Teachings & Workshops


SINGAPORE 2100: Designing Resilience with Blue and Green
(Inter-Agency Workshop)

2024, Nov 11

Singapore’s position as a low-lying, urbanized island demands a comprehensive approach to climate change. This workshop fosters collaboration across sectors to align urban development with restoring natural capital, advancing the vision of a 'City in Nature.' It focuses on sustainably and equitably planning Blue-Green Infrastructure (BGI).

⌂ NUS Cities, Singapore

Water and Greenery: Important Game Changers for Climate Resilience and Liveable Cities

2024, Aug-Nov

How can cities become healthier, less boring, more liveable and more climate resilient? This course explores the current and future potential of Sembawang-Simpang, encouraging students to apply concepts in a real-world context. It focuses on preserving Sembawang’s heritage and natural beauty while fostering forward-thinking development. The project highlights collaborative processes to transform urban infrastructure into regenerative systems, emphasizing the role of diverse stakeholders in planning and decision-making.

⌂ NUS Cities, Singapore
○ Raymond Yong, Lana Allen, Khoo Teng Chye, Prof. Veera Sekaran and Huang Zhongwen

Future Landscapes for Climate-Resilient Cities, Sembawang – Simpang, Singapore

2024, Aug-Nov

This design studio aims to investigate, explore and develop innovative nature-based solutions for climate-resilient cities, such as better-integrated water management, strategic landscape planning and design, ecological design approach, and optimizing flows of water and nutrients between landscapes to tackle urban environmental and climate challenges. 

⌂ NUS MLA, Singapore
○ Raymond Yong and Huang Zhongwen


Topics in Challenges of Cities: Nature-based Urban Innovations

2023, Sep-Nov

As a two-part course centered around the topic of Nature-based Urban Innovations, Prof Dreiseitl taught complementary topics such as Nature Water Systems, Climate Challenges, Technical Tools for Blue-Green Infrastructure, and Policymaking. The course was delivered through a mix of lectures, panel discussions, and studios in which students will work on a team-based project to integrate themes of green and blue.

⌂ NUS Cities, Singapore
○ Khoo Teng Chye, Prof. Veera Sekaran, Huei Lyn Liu, Chintan Raveshia and Anton Siura

Bridging the Gap, Vision for Bruntál 2070

2022, Mar 28-30

An intensive 3-days, public and civic engagement workshop where the project will formulate an Urban Development Plan to help Bruntál overcome all its challenges such as the dominance of private car-driven mobility, dilapidated buildings within the city center, disappearing job opportunities for young people, and the lack of attractions for new companies to settle down in the city. Our intention is to show best practice examples and identify great opportunities to transform Bruntál into a liveable and innovative city. 

⌂ Bruntál, Czech Republic
○ Město Bruntál

Design with Rainwater: Sponge City in Volta Nord, Basel (Design Studio)

2022, Feb-Mar

This MLA studio encourages collaboration between OST - Ostschweizer Fachhochschule students and international students from CEPT landscape. Master's students, guided by Professors Tobias Bauer and Herbert Dreiseitl, emphasized the importance of integrating rainwater and stormwater management, along with sponge city concepts in their designs. Virtual learning has facilitated meaningful design conversations with talented young designers.

Volta Nord, Basel
○ Frieder Kaiser (Canton Basel-Stadt), OST & CEPT


"The World We Want", World Child Forum

2022, Jan

With this mission, the development of the World Child Forum started on January 21-22. Starting from the basic idea of how we can radically place the well-being of children at the center of all our actions, this idea was reflected and condensed in an interdisciplinary team, together with children and young people, so that a first World Child Forum will be realized in the summer of 2023. Currently, the team is looking for sponsors to finance the organization. The WCF wants the (most powerful) adults of this world to consider the concerns, stories, and wishes of children and integrate them into their decision-making processes.

⌂ Pestalozzi Children's Village in Trogen, Switzerland


Urban Edge, Milwaukee as a Carbon Neutral and Water-Centric Ecocity

2020, Sep - Dec

Herbert Dreiseitl and Architecture Professor James Wasley co-teach “Milwaukee as a Carbon Neutral and Water-Centric EcoCity.” “Working from the watershed scale down to individual public waterscapes,” Wasley explains, “Urban Edge student designers will be envisioning a post-carbon, ecologically vibrant future for Milwaukee.

○ Associate Professor James Wasley


Building Community Resilience @ Cambridge Road, Singapore

2020, Jun

Live Sketching Get-Together Virtual Workshop via Zoom under the leadership of Herbert and Bettina Dreiseitl. Sketches are done by Pek Kio residents, MOCA residents and fellow Singaporeans from other parts of the island. The community and government agencies came together to discuss and brainstorm the endless design possibilities for the development of Cambridge Road Estate. Our Green Pek Kio

⌂ Cambridge Road, Singapore
○ Centre for Liveable Cities, CLC and Our Green Pek Kio


Singapore’s Iconic Green Buildings and Urban Greening

2020, Feb

Mr. Gunter Mann embarked on a personalized tour of Singapore, focusing on the exploration and discussion of the city's notable green structures and urban greening initiatives. The tour also aims to provide insights into the background and intricacies of Singapore's national urban planning strategies.

⌂ Singapore
○ Mr Gunter Mann, Mr Liak Teng Lit & Mr Luther Seet


Taking Landscape Leadership, MLA Design Studio, Singapore

2020, Jan - Apr

In the second-year studio of the Master of Landscape Architecture program at the National University of Singapore, students delve into the exploration of cluster typologies, urban structure, blue-green infrastructure, healthcare, education, and coastal settlements within Kota Harapan Indah, Bekasi, Indonesia.

⌂ Kota Harapan Indah, Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia
○ NUS, SDE, Damai Putra Group, Huei Lyn Liu


Jurong Island Pond Workshop, Singapore

2019, Jul

Herbert Dreiseitl spearheaded a workshop uniting agencies, experts, and professionals to brainstorm ideas for the future of Jurong Island Waterbody. Split into Blue and Green groups, each with 10-12 members, discussions covered sketches, calculations, design principles, and bold ideas. The Blue group focused on hydrology, water systems, and flow, while the Green group concentrated on pond profile design, biodiversity, and habitats.

⌂ JTC Summit, Singapore
○ Jurong Town Corporation, JTC


Auroville, A Way Forward!

2019, Feb

Led and guided by Dreiseitls in Auroville, a township in India. Aurovilians, residents, members of key working groups, and local projects agencies, including a few regional network partners, took part in a six-day “Collaborative January Sessions” workshop to realize “A town the earth needs”. 

⌂ Auroville, India
○ Auroville International


Transformation & Renewal of Industries

2019, Jul

Jurong Town Corporation (JTC), organized a workshop and an excursion to Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park for their department of town planning and architecture for AMK Industrial Park 2. The workshop was conducted by Herbert Dreiseitl and supported by Raymond Yong. The workshop focused on blue-green infrastructure and its potential and possible effects on the transformation and renewal of the AMK Industrial Park 2.

⌂ Jurong Town Hall, Singapore
○ Jurong Town Corporation, JTC (Architecture & Urban Design Department)


Chinese Delegation Bluetown & Greentown Investors

2019, Jun

Guided by Dreiseitls, the Chinese delegation from China paid a visit to Überlingen. They visited organic farms and spots such as Bodan, Naturata, Rengoldshausen, and the Farmers Market in Hofstatt.They were interested in bio-farming and plans to promote biological farming and production in China.

⌂ Überlingen, Germany
○ China Design Centre


The Smart City Udaipur,

2016, Jan - Apr

In the second-year studio of the Master of Landscape Architecture program at the National University of Singapore, students focused on exploring the city of Udaipur in India. During their presentations, they shared insights on topics such as The Water Story, Traffic and Mobility, Livability of Open Spaces, and Forgotten Open Spaces.

⌂ Udaipur, India
○ Ramboll Group International


Landscape Inspirations & Knowledge

2019, Feb

Drawing inspirations from developed and completed projects would help one to develop critical thinking and realistic design strategies and interventions for landscape design and planning. The field trip was guided by Dreiseitls which aims to allow students to draw relations of possible interventions and planning with the existing master plan of Kota Harapan Indah, Bekasi.

⌂ Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Kranji Marshes and JTC Cleantech Park, Singapore


Taking Landscape Leadership

2019, Jan - Apr

Master of Landscape Architecture, Year 2 Studio, National University of Singapore. This studio-based module investigates landscape design as a driver to a possible urban development for Kota Harapan Indah in Bekasi situated within the Jakarta region. Based on an existing master plan students explore all levels of landscape design from a site investigation, analysis and development of design strategies to detailed design solutions in different phases.

⌂ Kota Harapan Indah, Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia
○ NUS, SDE, Damai Putra Group, Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl


Urban Edge Studio


In the Spring of 2011, under the guidance of Herbert Dreiseitl and Architecture Associate Professor James Wasley, the studio aimed to conceptualize UWM's proposed 'harbor campus.' This envisioned plan integrated academic research and industrial incubator spaces, emphasizing the fusion of environmental sustainability with economic redevelopment, with a primary focus on ecologically restorative water management.

○ Associate Professor James Wasley