Publications ⇀ Publication Archives
2024, Die Klimakriese fordert mehr als nur technische Lösungen –Klimaresilient Fluid Thinking, Regenwasser Management 2024, Ernst & Sohn GmbH, 25 Mar 2024
2023, River Space Design: Planning Strategies, Methods, and Projects for Urban Rivers (Third and Enlarged Edition), Foreword
2022, Blue Green Sponges in Urbanization: My Lifelong Engagement for Climate Resilient Cities, Fall 2022, Web Publication
2022, Mobility of the Future: Final destination! – How much does the world cost? G+L Magazine
2022, Fluid Thinking Un percorso verso la resilienza e la progettazione bioclimatica, Espazium Archi 1
2021, Healing One Waterscape at a Time, Act Now Mayors’ Network, Web Publication
2021, Bottom-up Resilience in Singapore. Dreiseitl, H., Yong, R., Dreiseitl-Wanschura, B. In: The Resilient City. TOPOS Nr. 116
2021, Die Stadt von Morgen nach Corona?; Ernst & Sohn Special
2020, The City of Tomorrow, Post-Corona? Kompetenzzentrum Gebäudebegrünung und Stadtklima e.V.
2020, Cities in Dry Time: Park Therapy, Czech Garden & Landscape Architecture Magazine
2020, Übers Wasser gehe, HALLO GRÜN! Das Magazin zur Landesgartenschau 2020 in Überlingen. Nr.8
2020, Water and Sustainable Design, Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science & Technology Springer, New York, NY. 24 Feb
2020, Assetati d’ Acqua, La Cura Della Casa Comune, Libreria Aditrice Fiorentina, Roma Italia
2019, Biophilia for Healthy Cities - Blue-green infrastructure as DNA for healthy urban development, TOPOS
2018, Sustainable Nation – Urban Design Patterns for the Future, Douglas Farr, Wiley, USA
2018, Alles Smart oder was? – Garten+Landschaft, Magazine, Germany
2016, Sustainable Urbanism: Integrating Behavior, Neighborhoods, and Technology through Urban Design – interview with Herbert Dreiseitl
2016, Cities as living systems, Urban Solutions, CLC Magazine, Singapore
2016, Out of Water: Design Solutions for Arid Regions – Foreword by Herbert Dreiseitl, USA
2016, Dense+Green, Innovative Building Types for Sustainable Urban Architecture, Schroepfer et all, Birkhäuser
2013-2016, Enhancing blue-green infrastructure and social performance in high-density urban environments. The National University of Singapore, Harvard Graduate School of Design, MIT, and Zeppelin University; funded by Ramboll Foundation
2015, Liveable Cities; The Art of Integrating Today What We Need Tomorrow, Future Arch
2015, Shaping Landscapes and Human Welfare. Comparative Field Study of the Non-Material Effects of Blue-Green Integration in Singapore. Prof. Herbert Dreiseitl, Oliver D. Tovatt, Bettina Wanschura; National University of Singapore
2015, Cost-Benefit Analysis of Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park. Prof. Herbert Dreiseitl, Jonathan A. Leonardsen, Bettina Wanschura; National University of Singapore
2015, Blue-Green Infrastructure for Cities, Eco Build Magazine TR
2014, Waterscapes Innovations; China
2014, In the Terrain of Water; Pen University Press, USA 2014
2010, Neue Wege für das Regenwasser Wolfgang F. Geiger, H.Dreiseitl, J. Stemplewski Vulkan Verlag Gmbh, 3. Auflage, Oldenbourg
2009, Recent Waterscapes: Planning, Building and Designing with Water, Birkhäuser, Basel
2005, New Waterscapes: Planning, Building and Designing with Water, Birkhäuser, Basel
2001, Waterscapes: Planning, Building and Designing with Water, Birkhäuser, Basel