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SOLOCLIM: Outdoor solutions for climate adaptation, from street to city scale

  • DREISEITLconsulting 2 Hofstatt Überlingen, BW, 88662 Germany (Karte)

SOLOCLIM research team and some of the top academics and industry leaders will gather to discuss the latest research and practice in the urban climate adaptation field, touching on vegetation, water, and responsive design solutions on both small and large planning scale.

Herbert Dreiseitl will be part of the second day, the 10th of September 2021 program, alongside other experts, Dr. Philippe Rahm, Dr.ir. Jeroen Kluck, Ing. Dirk van Peijpe, Dr. Marjorie Musy, Paolo Cresci, Prof. and SOLOCLIM researchers - Adrian Moredia and Mariana Pereira (Moderation by Prof. Marialena Nikolopoulou, University of Kent). 12:10 – 13:40 CET – Round table - Water-based solutions for outdoor climate adaptation

Online Symposium

For more information and to register:
>> Download the Program

Frühere Events: 24. Mai
Salon Dreiseitl 06
Späteres Event: 24. September
World Goetheanum Forum 2021