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Climate Change Realities

  • Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Centre 10 Bayfront Ave 018971 Singapore (Karte)

Singapore’s Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources

MEWR is holding a Annual Partners for the Environment (PFE) Forum

The Partners for the Environment (PFE) Forum is an annual event organised by the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources. It brings together our key partners from the Private, People and Public (3P) sectors for the sharing of ideas and initiatives.

This year’s PFE is organised with the British High Commission in Singapore, in support of the Singapore-United Kingdom Partnership for the Future. The event will launch Climate Action Week, which runs from 17 to 23 July 2019. In line with our Year Towards Zero Waste and Climate Action Week, PFE 2019 will have the following highlights:
• Singapore Packaging Agreement Awards
• Keynote speech by Minister Masagos Zulkifli, Minister for the Environment and Water Resources
• Sharing of insights from the latest climate change research, successful partnerships and initiatives to achieve a zero waste vision
• Special tour of Stamford Detention Tank (limited spaces only).

Herbert Dreiseitl is one of the speaker at a sharing session on “Climate Change Realities”. The Forum brings together sustainability partners from the 3P (Private, People and Public) sectors to network and share ideas and initiatives.

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