Harmony Beyond Borders: A Way Forward for Auroville's Global Vision
Founded in 1968 by the spiritual leader Mirra Alfassa, known as the Mother, Auroville stands as a universal town situated outside Pondicherry in Southern India. Its vision is to provide a space where people from all corners of the world can coexist in peace and progressive harmony, transcending the boundaries of creed, politics, and nationality.
During the "Collaborative January Sessions," more than 200 participants, including Auroville residents, members of key working groups, local projects, and regional network partners, came together for six days. A significant contribution to Auroville's Golden Jubilee year came in the form of a gift from an international team of senior town-planners. Specializing in healthy placemaking, sustainable master planning, and collaborative community planning, they offered their skills and expertise to support Auroville's development. Auroville International (AVI) played a pivotal role in supporting this initiative.
DREISEITLconsulting GmbH
Public & Civic Engagement, Community Participation, Teachings and Workshop, Charrettes, Water Sensitive Urban Design, Blue-Green Infrastructure
Auroville, India
Von Zadow International , JTP and Eble Messerschmidt Partner
Auroville International
January 2019
Report / Press Release
Auroville - A Way Forward! / Auroville Today
9 Key Themes of Dicussion:
Declining Unity, Fixed or Evolving Galaxy, Growth Target, Shortage of Professional Skills, Youth, Community Participation, Economy, Mobility and Relationship with Bioregion

Problems - Dreams - Solutions
As the workshop participants contemplated Auroville's historical, current, and prospective journey, they shared their hopes, wishes, observations, aspirations, as well as criticisms and frustrations. The visiting team extracted key themes from the participants' inputs gathered during plenary sessions, reports from the 'hands-on' planning tables, presentations from focus groups, and the ensuing feedback sessions
Main Objective
To support the L'Avenir/TDC planning office in shaping Auroville's future growth, preliminary discussions with L'Avenir members and various Aurovilians from diverse working groups have identified significant challenges presently confronting Auroville. Importantly, the call for Auroville to "boldly spring towards future realizations" is hindered by prolonged and draining debates, making decision-making on even minor steps challenging. The initial enthusiasm has gradually yielded to feelings of weariness and frustration.
The “Collaborative Sessions"
The event was structured to provide participants with a platform not just to voice concerns but also to share hopes and dreams collaboratively, fostering the development of ideas and concrete steps for "a way forward." The visiting team delivered inspirational presentations and provided skilled guidance during all "hands-on" group sessions, contributing to the formulation of a strategy for future participatory planning. This approach aims to unlock individual and collective potential, establish a more fitting governance structure, and, crucially, build consensus on a urgently needed and collectively supported Auroville masterplan.
“We sincerely hope that the initiative has helped to bring us closer together and given us new energy towards the manifestation of the Mother’s dream.”
- Auroville Council
Water & Green
The Big Picture - Auroville Bioregion
Understanding Auroville's Water and Green factors requires a thorough examination of its synergy with the surrounding region, which is crucial for Auroville. We explored potentials and challenges, considering climate data, rainwater contributions, and agricultural practices affecting groundwater, rivers, and reservoirs.
Challenges like seawater intrusion, rising salt levels in freshwater, soil conditions, and pollution sources were examined. Discussions included solutions like infiltrating treated sewage to replenish the aquifer and mitigate seawater intrusion.
This approach promotes a more regenerative and sustainable agricultural system. Auroville, in addressing these challenges, not only meets its own needs but also establishes itself as a potential model for the entire bioregion.
The Neighbourhood - Residential Zone
Harvesting rainwater is not just a choice but a necessity in Auroville and the surrounding region.
Within the Water and Green group, Dreiseitl collaborated with participants to explore options and local integration of rainwater catchment, treatment, and storage. With a specific focus on the Industrial Zone, a "Treatment Chain" was devised for the eventual reuse of water in Auroville. Beyond hydrological conditions, topography, and catchment structure, the emphasis lay on the innovative and thoughtful integration into the urban structure and the formulation of an open space and greenery concept. The discussion also delved into multifunctional and seasonal systems, opening avenues for further exploration.
The Heart - Matrimandir
Water and Green has served as the fundamental language for enhancing livability in Auroville and establishing a connection to the spiritual realm beyond mere physical parameters.
Especially along the pathway to its nucleus, the Matrimandir, water is envisioned to act as a transformative gateway, resonating with diverse religious and traditional teachings of human wisdom. Following in-depth group discussions, Herbert delineated a potential design solution to bring Mother's vision to life. This proposal accentuates the spiritual essence and transformative quality of water, all while considering practical implementation through modern technology and expertise. These ideas are ready for further refinement and can be seamlessly translated into practical applications.
The People - Education & Awareness
Auroville has already explored and partially implemented numerous water concepts and technical systems.
We explored challenges and analyzed the reasons behind past failures. It became evident that professional policy development and empowerment, coupled with reliable consensus and decision-making, are often lacking. We deliberated on improved methods for implementing stakeholder involvement, enhancing public awareness, and coordinating actions to actualize a comprehensive water system. Water disregards opinions and political boundaries. Aditi, currently pursuing her Ph.D. on Auroville's water system, was encouraged by the group to delve deeper into this topic.
Lastly, the group discussed more effective approaches to management and maintenance, recognizing these as crucial components for establishing a sustainable water culture throughout Auroville and its bioregion.